lördag 13 oktober 2012

aand hes dead!

not really liking what I got, I dont feel the face has a strong enough design yet, but Il guess I'l jut have to work that out later =P

torsdag 11 oktober 2012

Update on my survivor

heres is the (probably)Final contest of my survivor, now its time to kill him (yey!).

onsdag 10 oktober 2012

mixamo again

so another Mixamo challenge, this time zombies! I love zombies, so im gonna do a zombie survivor, only dead =P This is the first sketch of the guy still alive, when ive nailed that im gonna do a dead version.

måndag 17 september 2012

Stephen Hawking

so, working on my stephen hawking design for the showdown contest on art by papercut. basically its about making historical figures beat the crap out of each other in a fighting game, so Im doing the hawking in a giant mech. right now I just have the cockpit, giant mech will come later, Im thinking when the cockpit is done I will have a clearer idea of what to do with the exterior...well ermn, thats the plan at least xD

lördag 15 september 2012


working on an environment with a friend for the showdown contest, wer doing historical locations, so here is a WIP of the sinking titanic

lördag 4 augusti 2012

Strike a pose!

kinda done, for realz, might do some texture tweaks or tiny things, but overall im calling this one done.

torsdag 2 augusti 2012

kinda done

did not do all the details I wanted, but fixed up the specular map and repainted the swords, and also the podium platform base thingie for himto stand on. now its just posing left.

tisdag 31 juli 2012

about 80% final textures

I wanna do some more work on the leather parts, and the swords needs a bucket of love. but other then that I think im quite happy with it.

måndag 30 juli 2012

and there be colours!

basic color pass, normals and the alpha map for all the cloth parts.

söndag 29 juli 2012

Time for texturing!

Finally done with the lowpoly, spent like two days just retoping, cleaning, reprojecting and laying UVs, kinda tired of this guy now to be honest xD but now comes the fun part, textures!

torsdag 26 juli 2012

starting to hate this guy xD

god...spent so much time on this low poly, he was a nightmare lol xD, and hes at 15,5K triangles to... >,< so gotta remove 500 of em somewere, I have my ideas but i just wanna start working on the texturing!! anyways heres the lowpoly

onsdag 25 juli 2012

lol spamming xD

Think this is the final High poly. so finally time to do the low poly!

söndag 22 juli 2012


Did some more work on this guy, finished the swords and put them on his back, gonna do a strap/sheet for them tomorrow, also did some work on the belt to match the engravings on the sword. and the sword.

weapons for the vampire

quick block out I did last night,but there are lots of details left on this one.

lördag 21 juli 2012

smal upadte, did some work on the hands and feet, tried a new shoe design, and ragged up the cloth.

torsdag 19 juli 2012

Color test

what the title says, did some color tests in photoshop.

onsdag 18 juli 2012

aaaand another small update
small anatomy fixes on my vampire

vampire wip02

Update on my vampire sculpt.

tisdag 17 juli 2012

a 3d Character ive been working on, first sketch of the body anatomy