måndag 14 november 2011


some BLizzard fan art, just a random zealot.

walkabout hallwoeen

did this for halloween.

no mouse/wacom =(

was bored and only had the touch pad to work with, so did these to only with the line tool.

söndag 4 september 2011

small sketch

Just a small update, made it on the boat on the way back to the island, loong time since I did anything that isn't work,

måndag 22 augusti 2011


a Lion study I did, its not perfect, just a sketch, about 2-3 hours at most.

na na na na demon batman!

A remake of an old piece. I loved the design but the pic itself looks kinda crap, so I remade it.

söndag 31 juli 2011


some quickies just for fun, they are both based on the same sketch

onsdag 6 juli 2011

Its beginin to look a lot like fishmen

a little sketch from my sketchbook,I liked it so much I did a painted version to.

spaaaaace, wer in space! SPACE!

small sci-fi city speedie, about 30 min

Kung fu Lion

a sketch I did some days ago, started of as a doodle and I think i kinda took it a bit to far =P

tisdag 5 juli 2011

saaaad lizzard.

these two kinda represents my emotional state right now xD

moar lizzzardzz

I kinda liked the guy, so I made some more, kinda crappy scans, but hey, its just sketches =P


just a cute little 5-10 min sketch.

måndag 27 juni 2011

progress shots/tutorials.

ppl where asking around so I did these.

söndag 26 juni 2011

MORE Monsters!

I call him Crabthulu, he is my best friend ^,^


Ive playd to much Starcraft II xD Zergs everywhere =P

fredag 3 juni 2011

aaaaand some more!

some more stuff

updates, hurray!

Hello internet

so, thought i should get something going since i left conceptart.

so here we go.